Beth yw'r telynau aur?

  Beth yw'r telynau aur
    Sydd gan angylion fry?
  Pa fath dafodau geir
    Gan nefol berffaith lu?
A feddant hwy felusach tôn
Nag am eu hawl i'r addfwyn Oen?
dafodau :: ganiadau
Nag am eu hawl i'r addfwyn :: Na'r anthem Teilwng ydyw'r

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [666688]:
  Telynau Aur y Nef (Thomas Davies)
  Ymofyniad (Music Book of John W Williams 1852-3)

  Fy noddfa gadarn gref
  I enw Crist a'i ras

  What are the golden harps
    Which the angels above have?
  What kind of tongues are had
    By a heavenly, perfect host?
Do they possess a sweeter tune
Than for their claim to the gentle Lamb?
tongues :: songs
Than for their claim to the gentle :: Than the anthem "Worthy is the

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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